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Re: I like what Debian is trying to do.

>>"Mike" == Mike Neuffer <mike@i-Connect.Net> writes:

Mike> Doing a multistage rebuild beginning with GCC, binutils and
Mike> essential libs, then kernel, then ....

Mike> Would be the way to go. This way we would get a reference
Mike> platform which uses the _current_ sources as reference.

Mike> Setting this up is definitely not trivial, but I think it would
Mike> be worth it.

Mike> Mike

	Well, I was playing with metaconfig today, and I tried this.
 I wrote a unit generator, which takes package name, dependencies, and
 a source tree top path and creates a unit that exports the package
 name, depends on the dependecies, and as an action, cd's to the
 source of the package, and configures, and builds and install them (I
 used echo  to simulate all this).

	The metaconfig engine figured out the package dependency
 graph, and created a shell script which would then be run to actually
 build/install the packages in the correct order.

	Hey, this is fun!!

	Now, I can write a simple script that allows people to select
 some package (maybe dselect can help here), and use a list of package
 names in arbitary order to generate the script that builds,
 configure, and install packages in one giant batch job.  

	feedback, anyone?

 All things are either sacred or profane. The former to ecclesiasts
 bring gain; The latter to the devil appertain. Dumbo Omohundro
Manoj Srivastava                                     <srivasta@datasync.com>

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