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Re: install-menu in dpkg? (was: Upcoming Debian Releases)

joost witteveen wrote:
> So, it seems to me like having install-menu inside fvwm2 is really
> the wrong place.
> On the other hand, putting something as simple as
>   cat /usr/sbin/install-menu
>   #!/bin/bash
>   echo $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 >> /var/lib/dpkg/menus
>   if test -x /etc/install-menus; then
>      /etc/install-menus
>   fi
> in dpkg, and letting all packages execute
>   install-menu needs menu entryid icon text cmd
> Where all arguments are the same as install-fvwm2menu, except for
> the needs. The needs should, I think, indicate what the package
> needs: fvwm, VC, brailreader, whatever.
> Then, fvwm2's postinst can simply run all lines in /var/lib/dpkg/menus
> that start with "fvwm", [...]

If I understand well you are proposing to add to dpkg a mechanism to
have a delayed installation/configuration, unless the package able to 
do it will be available?

It seems great to me.

I was looking for something similar to handle the installation of
now Debian has manpages in five languages, and an ever growing number 
of packages comes from upstream bundled with docs in different

The purpose to install only the docs in the language required 
conflicts with a different need that can raise later.

This mechanism can handle the situation:
each pachage that has manpages in different languages will install 
only the manpages in the languages "active" (for example listed in 
/etc/lang, or /etc/defaults/<something>), and add its name to a file 
under /var/lib/dpkg/man/<lang> (one file per language) to let the 
system knows of the existence of these other pages (generally one 
or few per package, too little to put in a separate package). 
The postinst of this package should accept a new parameter 
(e.g.: install_man <lang>) and install the manpages in the language 
requested when invoked in such a way.

A special package <lang> can be installed to create the hierarchies 
requested (under /usr/man, /var/catman, etc.) AND to execute the 
postinst of each package listed in the file /var/lib/dpkg/man/<lang>.

But where are the manpages that wasn't installed?

Should we need to duplicate all the manpages in other languages 
to put them ALSO in the special package <lang> to be installed 
later than the package they belong to? (Now is happening a strange 
thing: after installation of manpages-it, you can have the manpage of 
a command that is not available because the package is not installed.
Or even worse, in case of manpages for conflicting commands with the 
same name ... )

Any comments?

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