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install-menu in dpkg? (was: Upcoming Debian Releases)

> Have all X (and other suitable) packages use install-fvwm2menu.
> Possibly develop a more generic install-menu.

I may not have unsterstood install-fvwm2menu too well, but as far as
I can tell it's part of fvwm2. So, if I newly install a debian system,
and fvwm2 happens to be installed last (for whatever reason), none
of the X packages have been able to execute install-fvwm2menu.

So, it seems to me like having install-menu inside fvwm2 is really the wrong

On the other hand, putting something as simple as
  cat /usr/sbin/install-menu
  echo $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 >> /var/lib/dpkg/menus
  if test -x /etc/install-menus; then
in dpkg, and letting all packages execute

  install-menu needs menu entryid icon text cmd

Where all arguments are the same as install-fvwm2menu, except for the needs.
The needs should, I think, indicate what the package needs: fvwm, VC,
brailreader, whatever.

Then, fvwm2's postinst can simply run all lines in /var/lib/dpkg/menus
that start with "fvwm", and add a line like "install-fvwm2menu --install $*" 
to /etc/install-menus, so that it will get run the next time
a package is included.

It seems to me these changes are really easy, are quite general, so
that it will enable us to also make a menu for VC's and whatever
when we like it.

BTW, for example a package like gnuplot, that can be run on a VC, and
in an xterm, would call /usr/sbin/install-menu like:
  install-menu fvwm Apps/Graphics gnuplot none Gnuplot "Exec xterm -e gnuplot"
  install-menu VC   Apps/Graphics gnuplot none Gnuplot gnuplot
i.e., one line for every type of terminal it is possible to run on.

Also, I'm not sure whether, for a fvwm menu we should choose "fvwm" or
X11: We may want to get rid of the fvwm command "Exec xterm -e gnuplot",
in favour of "xterm -e gnuplot", and letting the line in /etc/install-menus
(the line that fvwm added) sort out that for fvwm, it should add an extra
"Exec" infront of the command. This way we should also be able to make
other window managers happy.

In short: As I think these changes are really small, and the
additional scripts are very simple, and it would both get rid of
the problem of X packages being installed before fvwm2, and make the
whole process more general, I think these things (just one script of
about 4 lines) really should be added to dpkg, changing fvwm2's install-menu

joost witteveen
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