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Re: install-menu in dpkg? (was: Upcoming Debian Releases)

joost witteveen:
> I may not have unsterstood install-fvwm2menu too well, but as far as
> I can tell it's part of fvwm2.


> So, if I newly install a debian system,
> and fvwm2 happens to be installed last (for whatever reason), none
> of the X packages have been able to execute install-fvwm2menu.


> So, it seems to me like having install-menu inside fvwm2 is really the wrong
> place.

Right. install-fvwm2menu should be made more general and moved into
dpkg. Until that's done, however, packages should use install-fvwm2menu.

Adding the functionality of fvwm2's system.fvwm2rc is a bit of work.
Someone should start work on that soon, if we want to have it ready
for 1.3. (Don't look at me -- I already did it for fvwm2 ;-)

fvwm95 is probably simple; you should be able to use most of fvwm2's

> It seems to me these changes are really easy, are quite general, so
> that it will enable us to also make a menu for VC's and whatever
> when we like it.

There's a few issues that need thought, which makes it not quite
easy. Also, the implementation will probably need quite a bit of
work and testing.

Until there's support for this menu structure in anything but
fvwm2, I fear we won't see too much happening. Anyone interested
in working on fvwm95 and twm, at least?

I'm happy to discuss the design. I really want an automatic
Apps menu for Debian.

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