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shadow sulogin

Hi Marek, 
Hi Guy,
Hi all other shadow fans,

I just found an interesting mis-feature in my installed shadow's sulogin
(I admit, it's not the newest: Shadow suite from 951218):

  If an e2fsck fails (in /etc/init.d/boot) a root shell should be started
  in order to manually run the e2fsck; this is done by running
    sulogin $CONSOLE.
  So far, so good. But shadows sulogin checks whether it is spawned (sp?)
  from init and refuses to run a root shell if it wasn't.
  Needless to say, that this is inappropriate in this context, since the
  system gets rebooted without any fix.

  The fix is to use Miquel's sulogin in the sysvinit (thanks Miquel for
  the good work!)

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