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Who do I tell about maintainer change...

Who do I contact to change maintainers for elvis from Susan G. Kleinmann
<sgk@sgk.tiac.net> to myself, <andersee@et.byu.edu> Erik B. Andersen?

Also, the old files elviscmn, elvisnox, and elvisx11 will be removed, and
replaced by just elvis.  How do I get these files removed from the

I use elvis a lot (I like its syntax highlighting, and lightweight viewing
and editing of html), and have been using a privatly compiled version 2.0
(although the version of elvis in editors claims to be 2.0, it is really a
beta version) for some time now.  I contacted the debian maintainer this
afternoon, and asked if maybe I could help out, since a new version was not
forthcoming.  This is her reply.

Susan G. Kleinmann wrote:
[stuff snipped]
> If you'd like to make an interim release of elvis, go ahead.  I'm sure
> it can only help.
[stuff snipped]

I downloaded the source code, and the old debian source, then trashed most
everything from the old version except the changelog.  I then proceeded to
debianize it.  After I finished, I wrote Susan to ask what she wanted to do
with it, and this is what she replied:

> Hi Erik --
> Wow!  I'm impressed.
> Would you be greatly opposed to just switching the maitainer's name,
> becoming the new maintainer?
[stuff snipped]
> Susan
Erik B. Andersen         Web:    http://www.et.byu.edu/~andersee/ 
2485 South State St.     email:  andersee@et.byu.edu
Springville, Ut 84663    phone:  (801) 489-1231
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