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XFree 3.2 (Re: Shadow password issues)

Stephen Early <steve@myrddin.greenend.org.uk> wrote:
> > I do not think we should do a major recompile of the old X stuff.
> > XFree86 3.2 offers a lot of new functionality, much better
> > programs for Server setup and has a lot of bugs fixed.
>XFree86 3.2 has not yet been released, has it? I'm sure I would have
>spotted the announcement.
>If it has, please let me know.

It hasn't yet; the current version is 3.1.2Zb. It should (note: this is
off the top of my head, so it may well be inaccurate - one way or the
other) be released by the end of October. (probably before then, but
don't quote me on that. :)

Basically, the beta team is (supposed to be) busy testing this version
on their home machines. (all I've got to do is get it onto floppies...
why do I keep thinking I should buy a Jaz drive? *grins*) As I said,
it should be released RSN.

>Once XFree86 3.2 is released I will spend a weekend Debianising it and
>fixing the outstanding bugs with the X packages.

Groovy :-)

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