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tcsh package


I'm the new maintainer of tcsh package *bow*.  Well I have an idea:

1. To put tcsh binary in /bin (reason: there are people who use tcsh
   as roots and have remote /usr).
2. To make a symbolic link from /usr/bin to /bin/tcsh (reason:
   debian backward compatibility).
3. To make a symbolic link from /usr/local/bin to /bin/tcsh (reason:
   compatibility with other Unices).

Please tell me what you think about it.

The package is almost ready by now.  It's the same version of tcsh
(6.06) but with some minor configuration changes...  And, of course,
new dpkg standards :)


++        _ 
Vadik V. (_`    vadik@arbornet.org  http://www.arbornet.org/~vadik/
Vygonets (_.lf  For PGP public key, email me with sibject "get pgpkey"
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