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Re: The PCMCIA and kernel packages

On 13 Jun 1996, Manoj Srivastava wrote:

>	[...]             I suggest that we standardize on a directory
> /usr/src/modules/; and any stand-alone modules that may exist will
> put a symbolic link in there. So, if the kernel debian.rules is given
> the target modules; it will look into /usr/src/modules, and do
> something like 
> for $$module in /usr/src/modules/*; do \
>	(cd $$module; ./debian.rules VERSION=$(version) dist) \
> done
>	Of course, something has to be done about dchanges and
> pgp-signing the created modules; I guess the simplest way would have
> the person running the command sign as many times as there are add-on
> modules.

The dist target could make the changes file too, using something like
"dchanges -n cd=file_with_changes_extension_info list_of_package_files"
I do something like that from a front-end build script, but it could
be done from debian.rules.

>	How does this sound?

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