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Incoming directory fills up

Hi folks,

what's going on with out incoming directory on master?

primer!joey(ttyp2):/home/Debian/ftp/private/project/Incoming> du -s
104587  .

It fill's up. Several people were asking me where they could find my

When will these files be processed? There are also several (old, of
course) versions of some packages in the queue.

As long as these packages lay in the incoming queue they can't be used
in our actual public beta-test. This is very bad especially if we do
bugfixed uploads that can't be tested.

I don't know who is responsible for the incoming queue, I would mail
him directly.



PS: Simon (or Bruce) could be get a mail alias incoming@debian.org or
similar that points to those ppl that (should) process the incoming

  / Martin Schulze  *  joey@infodrom.north.de  *  26129 Oldenburg /
 / Germany.Net ist vergleichbar mit einem Telefon                /
/          ohne Waehlscheibe und Klingel... -- Lutz Donnerhacke /

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