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Bug#2530: bind locks up system

Moin Raul,

while scanning bugreports I noticed the following

} Package: bind
} Version: 4.9.3-P1-1
} Bind seems to lock up my system.
} I installed bind and configured it as a caching-only nameserver.  This
} worked fine on installation, but later re-boots have locked up
} immediately after starting named.
} For the moment, I've worked around this by turning off execute
} permission on /etc/rc2.d/S19bind
} I'm going to try re-enabling this at S35, to see if that still works
} -- but not just now [I've got other things to do].

Have you tried the latest sysklogd and bind packages? Is this
behaviour still true or could we close this bugreport?



   / Martin Schulze  *  joey@infodrom.north.de  *  26129 Oldenburg /
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 /          ohne Waehlscheibe und Klingel... -- Lutz Donnerhacke /

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