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Re: Bug#2524: problems with base package

  Miquel> It isn't ;). I have asked it on debian-user and debian-devel, and
  Miquel> the general consensus seems to be that an /etc/rc.local is not
  Miquel> wanted.

  Michael>  Could anyone please tell me why not? Where do you guys start
  Michael> programs like hdparm or any other local configuration?

Well, I used to add local modifications into the existing files which isn't
the right thing. 

An approach that might be more sound is to use Debian's fine tools --- so I
wrote myself a little /etc/init.d/local_network. It includes an "install"
target for the update-rc.d call. The "purge" doesn't work yet, but I don't
really care about that. FWIW, I include the script below.

Otherwise, I feel sympathetic both with keeping and with nuking rc.local ---
I never sys admin'ed on either BSD or SYSV apart from Linux so I don't feel
particularly brainwashed.

#! /bin/sh

# edd 11 Mar 96	regroup commands for serial link and modem here


case "$1" in
    echo -n "Starting local network services: "
    echo -n "dummy "
    ifconfig dummy0 miles
    route add miles
    echo "serial_link "
    stty crtscts 38400 < /dev/cua1
    start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --exec /usr/sbin/slattach -- -l -L -s 38400 /dev/cua1 &
    sleep 1
    ifconfig sl0 miles pointopoint bird
    route add bird
    echo -n "Stopping local network services: "
    echo -n "serial_link "
    route del bird
    ifconfig sl0 down
    start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --exec /usr/sbin/slattach
    echo -n "dummy "
    route del miles
    ifconfig dummy0 down
    echo "Install local_network"
    update-rc.d local_network defaults 66
    echo "Remove local_network"
    echo "... have to remove local_network from /etc/init.d first ..."
    echo "... better save it though ..."
    update-rc.d local_network remove
    echo "Usage:        /etc/init.d/local_network {start|stop}"
    echo "Installation: /etc/init.d/local_network {install|purge}"
    exit 1

exit 0

Dirk Eddelb"uttel                              http://qed.econ.queensu.ca/~edd

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