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Re: Looking for a sponsor for a new game 'curseofwar'

Hi Anton,

please let us know if you are subscribed to the list, so that we can
remove you from CC. No need to CC me or to write private e-mails to me,
i follow the list.

Many people including myself prefer plain text e-mails. Please consider
enabling this "feature" in Google Mail.

On 21.07.2013 06:37, Anton Balashov wrote:
> It's will be great, but I should to get more expirience in that before
> I'll do commits without review. To where I should send a review request
> in future?

Bas was referring to our git and svn repositories. You can later prepare
your package there or work collaboratively with others. It is not the
same as publishing your work without review, on the contrary, it gives
others the opportunity to get your package in shape or to make comments
on your package. You can always send your review requests to this list
or you can decide to continue to use debian-mentors.

> By what you make signature.asc? I think I should sign messages too.

That's GPG/MIME. Every modern e-mail client should be capable of
supporting this feature.

Quoting Bas' e-mail here because it doesn't seem to reach the list.

> 2013/7/21 Bas Wijnen <wijnen@debian.org <mailto:wijnen@debian.org>>
[Regarding /usr/games or /usr/bin]

>     We have discussed this before in the team; there wasn't really a
>     conclusion, but I think most people agreed that using /usr/games wasn't
>     really useful.  If /usr/games is dropped in the new FHS, I think we
>     should follow it.

FHS 3.0 is still a draft. I also believe that Debian will follow the new
standard in the future. But for now only section 11.11 of Debian's
policy is important.


That means lintian is right here and you must install your binary to
/usr/games otherwise it is a policy violation.

You can use a curseofwar.install file to change the binary location.
Since you are upstream, it might be even better/easier to change your
Makefile and to create an option to let others choose the installation
target of your binary.

>     Yes; every application should show up in the menu.  In the case of
>     console applications, they should open a terminal and run there.

That's correct. You need to set Terminal=true and your game will launch
automatically in a terminal.


Just take a look at nettoe.desktop for example. Thanks for creating the
menu file in version 1.1.6. You might want to add a "longtitle" too.

It's better to create a second, high resolution, version of your icon.
At least 128x128 pixel is much better for DE's like Gnome 3. You can
also decide to create a scalable vector image.


The best tool to investigate your hardening issues is blhc. Blhc checks
your build log for missing hardening flags. Simply run:

blhc curseofwar_1.1.6-1_amd64.build

The tool will tell you that CPPFLAGS are missing. The easiest way to
implement them is to update your Makefile once more.


%.o: %.c $(HDRS)
    $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $(patsubst %.o,%.c,$@)


%.o: %.c $(HDRS)
    $(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c $(patsubst %.o,%.c,$@)

You can safely remove the build-dependency on dpkg-dev for hardening and
the corresponding lines in debian/rules. Using compat 9 /debhelper 9 and
exporting all hardening build flags is sufficient.

You can test your binary with

hardening-check /usr/games/curseofwar --verbose

hardening-check is packaged in hardening-includes



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