Re: Games Team's opinion on "Team uploads"
Bas Wijnen <> writes:
> On 02-11-12 18:15, Bart Martens wrote:
>>> If you intend on maintaining the package (rather than it being an
>>> one-time upload to fix a RC bug, for example), putting your name in
>>> Uploaders would be a good idea.
>> Can a few team members confirm that this reflects the team's policy ?
>> The context of Juhani Numminen's question is RFS bug 691577. It would be nice
>> to have the team's policy on team uploads documented on a webpage that can
>> easily found by sponsors.
> I don't speak for the team, but when I was uploading some packages
> during a BSP recently, I would have made them NMUs, but being a team
> member I named them Team upload instead. Since I do not intend to take
> care of the package in general (other than fixing what I broke), I did
> not add myself to uploaders (similar to what I would have done for an NMU).
I don't think this as been discussed directly be the Team but I've seen
multiple people doing Team Uploads for the Debian Games Team --
including myself. I would be sponsoring Team Uploads for Debian Games
Team if I weren't that busy (and still as involved here as I was some
time ago).
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