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Re: git vs. svn (again)

Paul Wise schrieb:
> While I love git for development (and have switched every upstream
> project I could to it), I prefer subversion for Debian packaging at
> this time. I also feel keeping SVN makes it easier to join the team
> for people with no initial technical skills.

Hi all!

	I'm not sure it is true. I totally agree git is adding unneeded
complexity (multiple remotes to follow e.g.) and has some features that
might be handy but add complexity (local commits). However Git gives you
a perfectly dpkg-buildpackage buildable checkout while svn doesn't and
works around some mayour pitfalls (things I still get caught like rm and
mv should *never* be done but "svn rm" or "svn mv").

	I think it's really a major help that you can just follow the
new-maintainer's guide on a git repo and use standard posix filesystem
commands without breaking stuff, especially for newcomers.

	I have a way longer email in work which may also end up as a blog post
with lots of additional details if someone is interested.



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