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Re: Newer vegastrike : can we package that big ?

On 4/14/08, Miriam Ruiz <little.miry@gmail.com> wrote:
> We might also want to reinterpret the meaning of a game engine and a
>  game data. The same way that an mp3 player doesn't come along with mp3
>  songs, a game engine that would be designed to handle different 3rd
>  party worlds that can be free (free toolchain, open specs and so), and
>  that can be used to play different worlds, might considered not to be
>  tied to the data, but to be a multimedia player instead. The
>  requirements for this might be discussed, but most of the people I've
>  talked to seem to agree to this point of view (the game in fact is the
>  game data, the same way as the song is the mp3 file, or the document
>  is the odf file, the text processor, the media player or the game
>  engine is just the tool).

What other thing the data is? :)

Ivan Vučica

-- Croatia --

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