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Re: Introduction

  Hello !

Gerfried Fuchs wrote:
>  Please don't Cc people offlist - especially not if they already wrote
> in the thread and haven't asked for offlist copies explicitly...  I did
> so neither, people are expected to read the lists they write to or make
> sure themself that they follow the discussion.  Thanks.

  I'm sorry. For some reason, I can't get icedove to reply to the list -
it only does want to reply to you (even with reply all).

> * Vincent Fourmond <fourmond@gmail.com> [2007-10-03 10:05:23 CEST]:
>> Gerfried Fuchs wrote:
>>> * Vincent Fourmond <fourmond@debian.org> [2007-10-02 22:16:38 CEST]:
>>>  I expect you have read the past threads with regard to that game,
>>> especially to the licensing issues of the data in it? 
>>   I didn't find any thread about that on debian-devel-games.
>  That's pretty sad because it's quite easy to find, either through our
> own list search engine or through google, please read up here:
> <http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-games/2007/07/threads.html#00046>

  I had found the beginning, but I missed one part - the part about the

>>   * some pictures are copyrighted by a company, but they can't be
>> copyrighted, as they are fidel copies of art work long gone into the
>> public domain (see
>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bridgeman_Art_Library_v._Corel_Corp). If
>> that causes problem, we could find a way around that too, though I tend
>> to think it would be much pain for not much.
>  I'm not too sure if that is the thing mentioned in the former mentioned
> thread as David Rumsey Map Collection?


>>   Unfortunately, currently, java+swing (java's native GUI) means that we
>> need to use sun's. But my understanding was that Sun would be releasing
>> a new version of Java under the GPL. Once there, we could move
>> everything to main.
>  Ah, alright - just wanted to mention it.  Btw., were you able to build
> all the jar stuff yourself?  Tolimar wasn't[2], and thus would mean it
> can't really go to contrib and isn't distributable under the GPL all
> together.

  The main problem is that freecol depends on two other libraries, which
are provided in binary-form only. I've packaged those, and they are on
their way through the NEW queue. Freecol now build fine from source.
I've also provided upstream with a patch to their build system so that
they can provide us with a usual .orig.tar.gz tarball, excluding all
binary-only blurb and one font which definitely shouldn't be there.
Upstream seems eager to cooperate, which is pretty neat.

  For the graphics, the main freecol developer wrote that all is under
GPL. They might have changed the graphics since version 0.1.0 - or these
graphics might have been GPLed from the beginning.


Vincent Fourmond, Debian Developer
-- pretty boring signature, isn't it ?

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