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pbuilder and svn tutorial


* Eddy Petri??or <eddy.petrisor@gmail.com> [060726 15:40]:

> I did my request under these circumstances, I hope I didn't upset you.

No, no problem.  World would be boring if we all would do a perfect job,
and you can see me doing small errors all the time ;)

> >I don't know why, but it is quite easy to test, if a package builds
> >cleanly using pbuilder, but somehow you don't see to do it.  May I ask
> >why?
> Maybe convenience. Let me explain:
> - one can use pbuilder login to have a clen environment, but that
> requires root login (until I added "pbuider session" to konsole I used
> my unstable environment - clearly poluted).

I use sudo for that.  The relevant part of my /etc/sudoers looks like
alex        ALL=NOPASSWD:/usr/sbin/pbuilder

Additionally I have the following in my ~/.pbuilderrc:

... and changed the rights of /var/cache/pbuilder/result/ to rwxr-sr-x.

So I can use "sudo pbuilder foo bar baz" without becoming root first
(and without getting asked for my password), and my user has the rights
to create and remove files in /var/cache/pbuilder/result/ later.

Not ideal, but is working.

One could probably create a nicer setup using cowbuilder and dchroot /
schroot, but I never had time to play with those tools.

> >So... we have an irc channel, we could try to organize an online
> >turorial about that? (Could be coupled with an svn turorial?)  Or should
> >I just create a wiki page for that?
> I think an irc tutorial is a lot better; I can help with the SVN part.

Would be fine; I miss some stuff about svn, too, so a tutorial would be
really nice :)

Yours sincerely,


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