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Re: Corporate Desktop

Jerome Warnier wrote:

Le lundi 03 avril 2006 à 02:04 +0100, Luis Matos a écrit :
I have made a package list [2], witch you can grab categorized [3]

This is a very first list, not tested. It was made with others as base.
[2] http://joaquina.tecklog.com/~gass/pacotes2.html
I would like to argument on packages. How can I do this?

For Librassoc, we took the list of dependencies of gnome-core, and we
removed the bits we did not want to get for users' ease of use (like

this is a package i would like to remove. it should not be used by end users.

and added then the ones we wanted to have in. The result is
something like gnome-desktop-environment, but different. We plan to
autogenerate the dependencies from several distinct files, to allow for
clearer distinction between what comes from gnome-core and what we
wanted (and also allow for a potential future KDE version).
i want to make this distinction, more or less:
corp X+gdm+gnome basic (not core, basic)
3rdparty (w32codecs, etc, etc)

We also wanted to remove any program still using GTK+1.2, and try to
avoid as much as possible QT (we did actually succeed also, after a
period where we had to provide K3B for CD writing).
gnome baker is a fine solution. I have scribus, but i have 2 feelings on it, i like it for desktop publishing (DTP), but hate not to use ttf fonts, and have a bad look and feel in gtk.

Then, we have packages related to the languages we want to support
out-of-the-box (for OOo, spell-checking, ...).
this is a question i can't answear. i have there firefox-locale-pt (because i am portuguese) but, if this was a debian project, it should install much more. So i should be some language packs.

In your list of packages here, I can read packages which are simply not
needed, or should just depend upon other ones (like nfs-common for
example). I think you should remove those for readability.
i have them for nautilus and for mount nfs partitions for network environment, altough i have not seen in dependencies if it is needed.

If you could also translate the titles in English, it would be better
understood by many.
lol ... ok, i'll do that.

I would personally split your "Drivers e utilitarios" between "Printing"
and others.

i you have printing experience, coul you see that please?

You have non-free and contrib packages in your list, which most probably
prevents you to distribute CDs "as-is".
true, that's why i made that the other list [3]. but, the idea that i have is to install that directly from a regular debian cd and use a tool like apt-proxy.

I see this as a solution for small business companies.

[3] http://joaquina.tecklog.com/~gass/cat.html
[4] http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-bluetooth
[5] http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-fonts

Os Meus Melhores Cumprimentos
Best Regards

Luis Matos

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