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Re: Corporate Desktop

Le lundi 03 avril 2006 à 02:04 +0100, Luis Matos a écrit :
> I have made a package list [2], witch you can grab categorized [3]
> This is a very first list, not tested. It was made with others as base.
> [2] http://joaquina.tecklog.com/~gass/pacotes2.html
I would like to argument on packages. How can I do this?

For Librassoc, we took the list of dependencies of gnome-core, and we
removed the bits we did not want to get for users' ease of use (like
bug-buddy) and added then the ones we wanted to have in. The result is
something like gnome-desktop-environment, but different. We plan to
autogenerate the dependencies from several distinct files, to allow for
clearer distinction between what comes from gnome-core and what we
wanted (and also allow for a potential future KDE version).
We also wanted to remove any program still using GTK+1.2, and try to
avoid as much as possible QT (we did actually succeed also, after a
period where we had to provide K3B for CD writing).

Then, we have packages related to the languages we want to support
out-of-the-box (for OOo, spell-checking, ...).

In your list of packages here, I can read packages which are simply not
needed, or should just depend upon other ones (like nfs-common for
example). I think you should remove those for readability.

If you could also translate the titles in English, it would be better
understood by many.

I would personally split your "Drivers e utilitarios" between "Printing"
and others.

You have non-free and contrib packages in your list, which most probably
prevents you to distribute CDs "as-is".

> [3] http://joaquina.tecklog.com/~gass/cat.html
> [4] http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-bluetooth
> [5] http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-fonts
> Os Meus Melhores Cumprimentos
> Best Regards
> Luis Matos
Jérôme Warnier
FLOSS Consultant

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