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Re: fbsplash: introducing fbplash in debian (howto)

On Wed, 13 Oct 2004 11:56:59 -0500, Manoj Srivastava <srivasta@ieee.org> wrote:
> On Mon, 11 Oct 2004 01:16:00 -0400, Luis M
> <lemsx1@gmail.com> said:
> > Easier [1], this is an interactive script that asks a few questions
> > about building your kernel with make-kpkg. All you need to do is:
> > You can get the latest revision of this script from:
> > [1] http://www.latinomixed.com/downloads/make-kpkg.sh.gz
>         What license are you releasing this script under?  I would
>  like to have this included as an example in kernel-package, if
>  licensing permits. 

Oops. I thought I had a GPL line at the header, but it's not. I have
updated it. Reload.

This new version includes some new features:

* reads $HOME/.make-kpkg.rc which is for users to set their own
variables (the ones define at the beginning of the script) so that
they don't have to directly edit the script
* uses bash' "command -v" to read the $PATH and find the location of
distcc and ccache. This way is better than calling the files directly
(especially for users who don't have root access)

Enjoy. I use this script all the time for my kernel. It's fully
interactive, so just answer yes or no questions. An example of how to
run it:

fakeroot ~/bin/make-kpkg.sh -1
# and then answer 3 questions...

This will make a kernel package that will have:
# note the -1 appended to the kernel name EXTRAVERSION


Luis M
System Administrator

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you work on your computer when you want to turn your brain on" --
Steve Jobs in an interview for MacWorld Magazine 2004-Feb

No .doc: http://www.fsf.org/philosophy/no-word-attachments.es.html

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