debian-dak Dec 2008 by subject

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[dak/master] A space [dak/master] add datadir option [dak/master] Add names to the various timestamps [dak/master] Add queue_rss to cron.hourly [dak/master] Add [dak/master] Added 822 reported to queue_report to writing out to a file [dak/master] Added changelog and config file settings Signed-off-by: Michael Casadevall <> [dak/master] Added Changes file to the 822 queue report [dak/master] Added directories option to the queue report [dak/master] Added Last-Modified field for QA team [dak/master] Added queue to 822 output [dak/master] again, trailing whitespaces removed [dak/master] Call it hourly with -8 Fix the unassigned variable [dak/master] catch and output file write errors [dak/master] Clarified help message Signed-off-by: Michael Casadevall <> [dak/master] dak/ (recheck): call reject with empty prefixes [dak/master] dinstall [dak/master] do not reject binary-only uploads that fail the "must be newer than" criterion [dak/master] drop email.Parser import [dak/master] Fixed 822 queue report to actually print out the timestamp sanely [dak/master] Fixed handling of BYHAND packages in queue_report [dak/master] Fixed sql-qptvc.cpp to work on modern postgresql versions, and made the makefile be less braindead [dak/master] Generate 822 format for more queues [dak/master] Helps to use the right path [dak/master] html fun [dak/master] insert new items on top of feeds and purge them from the bottom [dak/master] Its a list of queues, not full directories [dak/master] [dak/master] make files moved to {o,}p-u-new world-readable [dak/master] Merge from Michael: [dak/master] Missing $ [dak/master] move to tools/ [dak/master] new.822 [dak/master] override: Handle source-only packages better [dak/master] print help on non-existant dirs [dak/master] queue_report [dak/master] r6 [dak/master] Remove old dislocation support [dak/master] Removed symlink_dist from (however, make_suite_file_list still depends on it; likely a missing commit there) [dak/master] make output of `dak rm -R` more terse and somewhat more readable. [dak/master] Seperate the Queue-Report::Options::822 with 2 : instead of one : [dak/master] simplify wanna-build update by calling a trigger script [dak/master] Sponsor is just a mailaddress [dak/master] trailing whitespaces corrected [dak/master] Typo fix [dak/master] Ups, forgot to kick the import [dak/master] use different pubDate if going in or out [dak/master] use python-debian for .changes parsing [dak/merge] add datadir option [dak/merge] Add queue_rss to cron.hourly [dak/merge] again, trailing whitespaces removed [dak/merge] catch and output file write errors [dak/merge] drop email.Parser import [dak/merge] insert new items on top of feeds and purge them from the bottom [dak/merge] move to tools/ [dak/merge] print help on non-existant dirs [dak/merge] trailing whitespaces corrected [dak/merge] use different pubDate if going in or out [dak/merge] use python-debian for .changes parsing [dak/security] lenny-p-u byebye [p-a-s/etch] allow building in Etch of on alpha and hppa [p-a-s/lenny] remove monodevelop and prj2make-sharp [p-a-s/lenny] remove packages depending on mono being available [p-a-s/lenny] remove picprog, add rovclock and rxtx [p-a-s/lenny] Removed infrastructure to generate the web copies. [p-a-s/sid] add fische, lcdproc, micro-evtd [p-a-s/sid] Enable builds of xserver-xorg-video-{openchrome,geode} on lpia. [p-a-s/sid] exclude fenix from 64bit architectures [p-a-s/sid] remove monodevelop and prj2make-sharp [p-a-s/sid] remove packages depending on mono being available [p-a-s/sid] remove picprog, add rovclock and rxtx [p-a-s/sid] Removed infrastructure to generate the web copies. [p-a-s/sid] Restrict acpitail, libacpi and xbattbar-acpi to ACPI supporting platforms. Debian Smart Upload Server srcdep Packages-arch-specific,1.777,1.778 Version checks between suites The last update was on 06:01 GMT Mon May 27. There are 87 messages. Page 1 of 1.

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