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Re: let's etch a common way of using debtags for CDDs and beyond!


* Jonas Smedegaard <dr@jones.dk> [050517 22:44]:

> > What should be covered by a policy ? For example: the namespace tags use,
> I am not quite sure what is meant by "namespace" above. I guess now is
> the time to suggest adopting official web ontology. See
> http://www.w3.org/TR/owl-features/

We should try to get a common policy for debtags.  It would be a pity,
if e.g. ubunto starts to add "ubuntu::x11" tags, while skolelinux starts
to add "x11::skolelinux" and such things.

I heard from this weg ontology thing for the first time last weekend, so
I can't comment on that now, but it sounds interesting.

> An important thing to also include in a policy is also who is ultimately
> responsible for each tag.
> I propose each package maintainer to be ultimately responsible for tags
> of the package.
> This is not as controversial it may sound: Package maintainance is also
> ultimately the responsibility of each package maintainer (wether
> official Debian packages or not), but were overriding package
> responsibility recquires repackaging and maintainance of the forked
> package, overriding tagging responsibility is much simpler to do.

Why the maintainer?  Why not those, who know best about their categories
/ facets / whatever?

How should I know, if the small game I maintain is suitable for kids?
Has an educational value?  I don't have any kids, I just think it's funy
to play while siting bored in a train.  So let this be done by people,
who it better than me.

Yours sincerely,


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