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Re: survival skills for teenage geeks

On Fri, Jan 24, 2003 at 02:08:19AM -0800, Alexander Hvostov wrote:
> On Thu, 2003-01-23 at 10:28, Dave Sherohman wrote:
> > Ooh!  Ooh!  I know!  Because black magic or worshipping differently/
> > by a different name is _actually_ worshipping the devil, not God!
> How do you know that it's actually worshipping the devil?

Because the bible says so.

> How do you
> know _you're_ not actually worshipping the devil?

Because the bible says so.

> Actually, people who
> practice black magic might not be worshipping anything at all. How can
> they be worshipping the devil, then?

Because the bible says so.

(More seriously, ISTR there being verses which actually do say that
contacting any source of supernatural power other than God is talking
to Satan, although he might pretend to be someone/something else.  Or
at least they can be interpreted that way.  It's been long enough
that I've forgotten where to find them and their exact wording,
though, and I'd like to keep it that way.)

> > (This statement brought to you by my inability to forget my old
> > bible-thumping days back in high school...)
> You were bible-thumping in _high_school_???

Yup.  Went to a holy-rolling, speaking in tongues, dancing in the
aisles, raising your hands, pentacostal, charismatic church, carried
my painted-up NIV translation with me to class every day, and read
The Word during my frequent in-class downtime.  Tried to start a
(bad) christian rap group with a couple of my (also white) friends
from church and painted up my jacket accordingly.  Went to abortion-
rights rallies and sat on the sidelines eating Domino's pizza.
Completely missed out on popular 80s music because I only listened to
christian rock.  I _actually_played_ DragonRaid, the christian-themed
role-playing game - er, I mean "Adventure Learning System" - in which
you protect your character with the armor of the spirit while fighting
monsters that embody various temptations, attempt to rescue the
OnceBorn by telling them of the Great Rescue and the wonders of the
OverLord of Many Names and, instead of "casting spells", characters
use WordRunes, which are bible verses that must be repeated by the
player in order for the character to use them.  (Thankfully, I didn't
remember all that on my own.  Turns out that DragonRaid is still
being produced and I refreshed my memory by reading their website.)
All kinds of weird shit like that...

The freedoms that we enjoy presently are the most important victories of the
White Hats over the past several millennia, and it is vitally important that
we don't give them up now, only because we are frightened.
  - Eolake Stobblehouse (http://stobblehouse.com/text/battle.html)

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