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Re: survival skills for teenage geeks

Am Dienstag, 21. Januar 2003 18:10 schrieb Seth Gordon:
> On Fri, 2003-01-17 at 19:41, Vikki Roemer wrote:
> > The church my family goes to has a youth group for teenagers.  My
> > parents decided that I need to socialize with kids my own age, so they
> > "suggested" (it was voluntary, but I figure resistance is futile) that
> > I join.  So I did.  *shrug*

Hmmm... the fanatics are fun... hours of laughing (you) and angry shouting, 
sobbing or crying (them) - you can even make a lot of fun with religious 
fanatics without them noticing it. Watch when and where they stop using their 
brains - believing in any religion can bring people to that point in awesome 
speed... then you got them ;)
Hmmm... geeks _do_ read, don't they? Think of Nietzsche's "Der Antichrist" or 
similar. You won't believe how many intelligent and really really unfriendly 
analyses of christianity there are. And the real point even with the Vatican 
is not church history like burning witches or violently invading the arabian 
world for god's sake - no, it's christian ideology.
Read a bit, watch carefully and smile about what you understand, this may be 
the ultimate survival skill for teenage geeks ;)
Or just talk of First Person Shooters, Horror movies and that you would love 
to have a coffin as your bed, you could... oh - it's about survival... Better 
don't do this with the fanatics ;)

PS: Be aware of the sheep, those who really believe Christianity has done 
humanity good and try to bring peace everywhere, they will even cry to stop 
you from arguing, and they _are_ persistent... Smile and nod, those people 
can be very useful when you are in trouble.

PPS: Often christian youth groups consist of just a few real believers and a 
hand full of ordinary kids just using the space and possibilities provided.

PPPS: Hmmm, just thought about this, this is definitely not off-topic for this 
list ;)



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