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Bug#727708: multiple init systems - formal resolution proposal - Don't like software, don't use it. Absolutely.

Le jeudi 30 janvier 2014 à 22:43 +0400, Sergey B Kirpichev a écrit : 
> > https://wiki.debian.org/Debate/initsystem/systemd#sysvinit_.2B-_insserv

Since you forgot to paste the first sentence, let me add it here.

“Sysvinit was never designed to cope with the dynamic/event-based
architecture of the current Linux kernel. The only reason why we still
use it today is the cost of a migration.”

> Is this all?

Yes, this is all. Anyone who knows how Linux works doesn’t consider
sysvinit a viable choice today. There is no need for lengthy
argumentations, because there is nothing to argue against.

 .''`.        Josselin Mouette
: :' :
`. `'

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