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Bug#727708: multiple init systems - formal resolution proposal

Andrew Shadura <andrew@shadura.me> writes:
> Josselin Mouette <joss@debian.org> wrote:

>> Gnome-shell uses GDM for screen locking, and GDM heavily relies on
>> logind nowadays. There is fallback code that uses ConsoleKit, but it
>> has been untested for several major releases, and now fails even for
>> trivial things. Add to that the fact that ConsoleKit itself has been
>> unmaintained for quite some time, making it unsuitable for a new stable
>> release that needs maintenance for several more years

> That only confirms the fact GNOME developers can't even keep their code
> working, not even speaking about testing its interoperability with most
> common environments. That doesn't create a good reputation, you know.

The point of this discussion is to determine the set of constraints we
have around dependencies on either init systems or components closely tied
to init systems.  GNOME's reputation for portability or code stability,
for good or for ill, is not directly relevant; what's relevant is whether
the software works or does not work in particular configurations, and what
the implications are for package dependencies within Debian.  Whether or
not GNOME itself is stable, portable, or to your liking is only relevant
if the project believes it is so unstable or so uninteresting that we're
not going to ship it in jessie, and I don't believe there is any realistic
chance we would pick that option.

Given that, your opinions about the quality of GNOME upstream development
don't seem relevant to the problem we're trying to resolve.  If you don't
like the software, don't use it.  And please don't hold opinions about the
proper packaging of software you don't like and don't believe is
well-written!  That's just intensely irritating and comes across as
malicious sniping.  Let the people who are interested in making the
software work figure out what that entails.

Russ Allbery (rra@debian.org)               <http://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/>

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