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Re: Processed: Forwarding to the technical committee

On 10615 March 1977, Andreas Barth wrote:

>> Yes, unfortunately I trust judges to be uninformed enough to have true
>> randomness in decisions. I personally would think you can't revoke GPL
>> for a old version, only if you release a new one use a different license
>> for that, but well...
> Definitly you cannot revoke GPL for a old version to someone who
> actually received the old version. However, Joerg S could claim that he
> never really licensed it to the GPL (and then we have to prove he had),

Umm. How could he ever really have success with it, distributing his
cdrtools tarball since years with the GPL? That should be easy to prove
otherwise IMO.

bye Joerg
<vorlon> since anyone who can get along with elmo must *surely* be part of
         the cabal.
<Overfiend> vorlon: Not true.  I've gotten along with elmo from time to time.
            We're just both ashamed of it.

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