Bug#154950: Gnome 2 transition
Le Thu, Aug 15, 2002 at 02:56:17PM +0200, Rémi Letot écrivait:
> > That's not easily doable and nobody has ever proposed it in the
> > debate.
> Make them conflict if it's not possible to have both installed at the
> same time.
This has nothing to do with the point of Ian Jackson. Ian told about
administrator who would like to offer both Gnome 1 and 2 to its users.
That's not possible.
> If you keep gnome1 in testing, you also maintain it there ?
Nobody knows. It depends if we have volunters for it, if new versions
comes out ...
> Maintaining it there is more work than maintaining it in unstable
> alongside gnome2 I guess.
Any proof ? Maintaining Gnome 1 is a definite amount of work. Having it
in unstable or in testing doesn't change much. In fact, it may be easier
to maintain it in testing since testing isn't evolving so fast.
> There are very interresting applets which don't work on gnome2 right
> now. You are not the one to judge what is interresting for everyone.
I'm not judging anything. If the applet is very interesting, then
someone will do the work ... that's all.
> Maybe they simply have no time to do it *right now*, because of
> work/hollidays/life/... Sending them lots of complaints won't help get
> the job done. (more probably even slow things down)
So, the applet disappear from the Gnome desktop of unstable users
during 2 monthes ... and ? What's the problem ?
I said it, it's *normal life* in the free software world.
PS: I'm going in vacation, so I won't respond during a full week.
Raphaël Hertzog -+- http://strasbourg.linuxfr.org/~raphael/
Formation Linux et logiciel libre : http://www.logidee.com
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