debian-cloud Feb 2022 by thread
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Bug#989462: Info received (About bumping Vagrant box disk image to 1TB) Hans-Christoph Steiner
Next team meeting: Wed Fed 9 @20:00UTC Ross Vandegrift
Bug#1004071: marked as done (google-guest-agent,python3-google-compute-engine: both ship /usr/bin/google_metadata_script_runner) Debian Bug Tracking System
Processing of google-guest-agent_20211116.00-3_source.changes Debian FTP Masters
google-guest-agent_20211116.00-3_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable Debian FTP Masters
Bug#1005318: Please rebase cloud-init version to >= 21.1 in next debian release Yuhua Zou
Processed: Severity: wishlist Debian Bug Tracking System
Re: managing Huawei accounts Paul Gevers
Bug#878192: Deborah Perro
debian bullseye 11 generic amd64 - static ip networking issue. dns not working until restart of networking service Jamie Murphy
Bug#1006346: bullseye AMIs don't boot on Amazon EC2 Xen instances with Enhanced Networking Noah Meyerhans
Finding new home for our builds and other security sensitive stuff Bastian Blank
The last update was on 17:00 GMT Mon Feb 28. There are 31 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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