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Re: GCP Cloud Resources

On Wed, Apr 21, 2021 at 4:05 PM Thomas Goirand <zigo@debian.org> wrote:
> On 4/21/21 11:42 PM, Jeremy Stanley wrote:
> > On 2021-04-21 12:29:02 -0700 (-0700), Jose R R wrote:
> > [...]
> >> The Google SDK < https://cloud.google.com/sdk > CLI integrates
> >> cooly with Linux shells: from your fav shell you can list
> >> available regions/zones, machine types, etc., provision even
> >> customized compute resources, check recommendations, etc., etc.; I
> >> do not think any other cloud vendor, including AWS, brings the
> >> same flexibility and power into a Linux shell to manipulate cloud
> >> resources.
> >
> > I'm not sure what "integrates cooly with Linux shells" means (and
> > Web searches didn't help much to elucidate)... are you talking about
> > tab autocompletion of the commands for its CLI or something? If you
> > just mean it has a CLI, then I don't expect that's particularly
> > novel. Even OpenStack has one.
> >
> >     https://packages.debian.org/sid/python3-openstackclient
> Yeah, it does, and it's been so for years. Though that's not only it...
> Let me dig-up a little bit.
> No, google-cloud-sdk doesn't integrate well in Debian. First of all,
> it's *NOT* part of Debian, not even in Bullseye.
> Back in 2014, in Portland, I tried to package it, and it was horrible. I
> heard lots been fixed, but I'm not seeing this as a reality. Let's
> investigate to see where we are now, nearly 7 years later.
> Just as a quick check, I downloaded the google-cloud-sdk. The tarball
> was 80 MB. It contains lots of already packaged libraries in Debian,
> some being backports to Python 2.7. Here's a partial list containing the
> most shocking bits (the full list of folder in lib/third_party/ contains
> 69 subfolders):
> - argcomplete
> - argparse
> - backports
> - enum
> - functools32
> - ipaddr
> - pytz
> worse than that: these are *stripped* versions, without the setup.py or
> others, so that it becomes impossible to tell what version each
> component is. So, in other words: a security nightmare.
> Then I went to check the code in the "platform" folder: it's also full
> of vendored libraries, using *old* versions. For example, a py2 only
> version of boto. It's full of py2 only code. Some even easy stuff like
> print statement instead of functions in what looks like being some code
> from Google.
> Python 2 support has been dropped upstream in early 2020, and we're
> already in march 2021, plus Bullseye is about to be out with Python2
> removed. Why even attempting to keep compatibility at this point?
> Under platform/gsutil/third_party, I can see many outdated component
> versions:
> - mock (ie: version 2.0.0) released in april 2016.
> - monotonic in version 1.4 from October 2017.
> - fasteners 0.14.1 released in Nov. 2015.
> All this is yet another security nightmare.
> At this point, the situation is even worse than in 2014, and I would
> suggest anyone using the Google SDK to only set it up on a confine
> environment, such as a container, a VM or something like that.
> IMO, that's *very* lame integration... Instead of doing gratuitous bold
> claims, could you please do your homework, and get google-cloud-sdk in
> Debian? The good thing: the way Debian works, your *very* bad practices
> are completely forbidden, so you'll have to do things the right way...
> And there's lots of DDs that would love to help to achieve this!
In a similar manner the HP Public Cloud Team (which I believe you were
a member of) argued back during their ephemeral Openstack offering
existence. Heck, we even subscribed with you guys for a couple of
months. The integrating experience was not the same. Notwithstanding,
it is now a definite bygone conclusion.
> All this being said, it's very nice from Google to propose some compute
> power sponsorship. Thanks a lot.
I am sure the Google Compute Platform (GCP) team took note of the
above 'constructive' arguments on security. Notwithstanding, a ~
Five(5) GB virtual machine is provisioned on-demand-on-cloud to
manipulate cloud resources from an integrated Linux CLI -- for those
who do not want to download and install (or in addition to) the SDK --
by selecting the console option from the dashboard.
> Cheers,
> Thomas Goirand (zigo)
Best Professional Regards.

Jose R R
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