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Re: Cloud Image Finder Release v0.1.0

On 2020-07-10 20:16:47 -0300 (-0300), Arthur Diniz wrote:
> If you have any tips on any other way to set up I would love your
> contribution, since my knowledge in certificate generation and
> automation is very basic.

I help run (a lot of) community infrastructure for some large open
source projects, and we use the DNS method. However we also run our
own authoritative nameservers so we just have a dedicated ACME
renewal zone and CNAME all the well-known records to that. A
periodic Ansible task fires
https://github.com/acmesh-official/acme.sh and then splats the
necessary challenge response into the BIND zonefile on the primary
nameserver along with a serial update, at which point all the
secondary nameservers pull that zone and start serving it so by the
time LE checks, it finds the response it expects. We get away with
just using one challenge response record since we serialize all our

This is what the entrypoint playbook for it looks like (referenced
roles are relative to that playbook's path too):


It's likely severe overkill though if you're just doing it for a
handful of servers. No idea if this helps, though it might give you
some ideas at least.
Jeremy Stanley

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