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Re: Nightly Builds and Continous Delivery for Vagrant Boxes plans

On Sat, Jun 06, 2020 at 11:00:36AM +0200, Emmanuel Kasper wrote:
> Unfortunately the 250MB limit of artifacts prevent building a pipeline
> with multiple stages like
> create .box from raw -> test -> upload
> as I hit the artifact limit size between each of these stages.

Please take a deeper look into what the rest of the cloud team image
workflow does.  Maybe you find inspiration into how not to break

Now the important question, why do you want to clone everything?  Please
work with the other people.

> I will write the salsa admins if it's possible to increase the limit for the
> two vagrant projects which would need it.

As Salsa admin I already told him that this is unlikely to happen.

> As a solution of last resort, I've seen gitlab.com has an artifact limit of
> 1GB. I would prefer of course to build on Debian infrastructure.

Well.  Dead cloud delegates, please tell Emmanuel about the rule set we
developer over the last years.


Spock: The odds of surviving another attack are 13562190123 to 1, Captain.

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