On Feb 17, Adam Bolte <abolte@systemsaviour.com> wrote:
> If I understand correctly, you're saying it's okay for timedatectl to
> be broken in some installations if it's not expected to be used? If
Yes, sure. This is not highly unusual.
> that understanding is correct, I don't see how it could ever be
> anticipated by the installation tool what the installation will
> forever be used for.
This is why we have system administrators. It is not reasonable to
expect that the plain output of debootstrap is a general purpose system.
> I do believe the ideal solution is to package the command separately
Which I something that I have already explained was considered and
rejected long ago.
> If the command doesn't exist, scripts should at least
> handle that case since many installations don't even have systemd. If
To a very good approximation all modern Debian systems use systemd:
https://qa.debian.org/popcon-graph.php?packages=systemd- sysv+upstart+openrc+sysvinit- core&show_installed=on&want_ legend=on&want_ticks=on&from_ date=2015-04-01&to_date=& hlght_date=&date_fmt=%25Y-% 25m&beenhere=1