debian-ci Nov 2016 by subject
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2016 Grant
[Pkg-linaro-lava-devel] Python3 and Lua bindings split out of the LXC packages
[pkg-lxc-devel] [PKG-Openstack-devel] Python3 and Lua bindings split out of the LXC packages
[PKG-Openstack-devel] Python3 and Lua bindings split out of the LXC packages
autopkgtest 4.2 MIGRATED to testing
autopkgtest 4.2.1 MIGRATED to testing
autopkgtest_4.2.1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
autopkgtest_4.2.2_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
autopkgtest_4.2_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Bug#842091: marked as done (autopkgtest-virt-qemu: better support for read-only rootfs)
Bug#842299: autopkgtest-virt-qemu: attaching base image makes btrfs very confused
Bug#842299: marked as done (autopkgtest-virt-qemu: attaching base image makes btrfs very confused)
Bug#842300: marked as done (autopkgtest: not clear what should be in d/t/control to make /tmp/autopkgtest-reboot work)
Bug#842302: marked as done (autopkgtest: source_rules_command failure message is unclear)
Bug#844123: autopkgtest-virt-qemu fails with sysvinit inside the vm
Bug#844255: autopkgtest: --shell-fail does not work in case the tested package cannot be installed
Bug#844454: autopkgtest: does not apply quilt patches when running tests from source package directory
Bug#844454: marked as done (autopkgtest: does not apply quilt patches when running tests from source package directory)
Bug#844455: autopkgtest: Please support additional (local) packages
Bug#844459: autopkgtest: Please add autopkgtest-virt-uchroot
Bug#845925: autopkgtest customize script for vmdebootstrap is unable to resolve
Bug#846328: RFH: autopkgtest -- automatic as-installed testing for Debian packages
Processed: Re: Bug#842299: autopkgtest-virt-qemu: attaching base image makes btrfs very confused
Processed: Re: Bug#844454: autopkgtest: does not apply quilt patches when running tests from source package directory
Processed: Re: Bug#844455: autopkgtest: Please support additional (local) packages
Processed: Re: Bug#845925: autopkgtest customize script for vmdebootstrap is unable to resolve
Processing of autopkgtest_4.2.1_amd64.changes
Processing of autopkgtest_4.2.2_amd64.changes
Processing of autopkgtest_4.2_amd64.changes
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