Bug#842299: autopkgtest-virt-qemu: attaching base image makes btrfs very confused
- Subject: Bug#842299: autopkgtest-virt-qemu: attaching base image makes btrfs very confused
- From: mpitt@debian.org (Martin Pitt)
- Date: Tue, 1 Nov 2016 17:19:43 +0200
- Message-id: <[🔎] 20161101151943.rmbq67zca6dquhot@piware.de>
- In-reply-to: <f59c5f56-337a-81d3-47fb-6353bed47526@iwakd.de>
- References: <20161027201550.szi7sgwjpqbyipzx@perpetual.pseudorandom.co.uk> <20161030155223.3nw3kxc6xe6yjxli@piware.de> <cf553757-b618-56b2-086b-915cb8940ffa@iwakd.de> <20161030200129.ku3gisj4ezmfuass@piware.de> <cc7b64ac-7094-4552-7cdd-f008548afa33@iwakd.de> <20161030204048.3jmh7dbbeagdaamz@piware.de> <47f25d41-a94e-b299-3498-3877a4d37b4a@iwakd.de> <f59c5f56-337a-81d3-47fb-6353bed47526@iwakd.de>
Control: tag -1 pending
Hello Christian,
Christian Seiler [2016-10-31 17:35 +0100]:
> I believe there might be a race condition here: autopkgtest-virt-qemu
> sends udevadm control --reload to the container, but doesn't wait for
> the prompt to reappear, before attaching the device itself. Adding
> VirtSubproc.expect(term, b'#', 10)
> after the udevadm control --reload line helps here.
Well spotted, thanks! This also closes a potential lockup as some
termianals are a bit allergic to not flushing the output.
Many thanks for testing this! I pushed this fix to git, this is much
cleaner and satisfying now.
Martin Pitt | http://www.piware.de
Ubuntu Developer (www.ubuntu.com) | Debian Developer (www.debian.org)
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