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Bug#845925: autopkgtest customize script for vmdebootstrap is unable to resolve httpredir.debian.org


Quoting Martin Pitt (2016-11-27 22:43:21)
> I ran exactly the same command successfully on my box, with the same
> vmdebootstrap version, and http://httpredir.debian.org/debian works fine
> inside the VM. Was that perhaps a temporary network glitch?  (Deutsche
> Telekom has failed DNS resolution today..)

no Telekom here and as I wrote in my initial report, the name resolved fine
outside of the VM.

I also tried again inside the Uni network and inside the $work network. Same

> Do you get it without the $AUTOPKGTEST_APT_PROXY too? (I tried with an
> invalid one and the error looks different).

Yes and same results (as I wrote in my initial report).

> Does httpredir.d.o work on your host?


Can you tell me a way to diagnose the problem as apparently it works fine for


cheers, josch
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