Bug#845925: autopkgtest customize script for vmdebootstrap is unable to resolve httpredir.debian.org
Johannes Schauer [2016-11-29 8:04 +0100]:
> + cat /tmp/tmpSxHjE2/etc/resolv.conf
> cat: /tmp/tmpSxHjE2/etc/resolv.conf: No such file or directory
> EEEK! Something bad happened...
> Command failed: /usr/share/autopkgtest/setup-commands/setup-testbed /tmp/tmpSxHjE2 autopkgtest-sid.raw
> So apparently, there is no /etc/resolv.conf inside the chroot??
The expected state is that it is a symlink to
/run/systemd/resolve/resolv.conf, and that's the bit that apparently
doesn't exist -- i. e. systemd-resolved.service is not running in your
case. So using the second method and vmdebootstrapping a VM without
the setup script and checking it inside sounds like a good next step.
Martin Pitt | http://www.piware.de
Ubuntu Developer (www.ubuntu.com) | Debian Developer (www.debian.org)
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