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Re: debian-10.2.0-amd64-DVD-{12,14,15}.iso (and.jigdo)

Hi Steve,

I tried the attached 'jigdo-lite' script (renamed 'jigdo-lite.steve') on my Cygwin/Windows  home
PC, but am getting

$ /home/David/jigdo-bin/jigdo-lite.steve
/home/David/jigdo-bin/jigdo-lite.steve: line 7: $'\r': command not found
/home/David/jigdo-bin/jigdo-lite.steve: line 13: $'\r': command not found
/home/David/jigdo-bin/jigdo-lite.steve: line 17: $'\r': command not found
': not a valid identifierdo-lite.steve: line 18: unset: `GREP_OPTIONS
/home/David/jigdo-bin/jigdo-lite.steve: line 19: $'\r': command not found
/home/David/jigdo-bin/jigdo-lite.steve: line 54: syntax error near unexpected token `$'{\r''
'home/David/jigdo-bin/jigdo-lite.steve: line 54: `isURI() {

I tried to track down any un-escaped special character, or anything that might trigger this set of errors, due to perhaps a script that was corrupted in transit.
No luck.

Anyway, following up on your previous comments, I relocated the jigdo-bin
directory to a location with the shortest absolute path possible, then re-ran the original 'jigdo-lite' script to download isos in a working directory with another short
as possible absolute path.  This time, isos 12, 14, and 15 were downloaded
just fine.

Sorry if any idiosyncrasies of my PC setup, or something I missed completely,
caused you and the CD team to spend too much time on a wild goose chase.

Now that I have a complete set of DVD's, I am excited to install Debian 10.2.0
on a new laptop.

Thanks, and best regards,


David Stepaniak | NCAR/CISL/DECS | Mesa Lab 288 (B-Tower)
davestep@ucar.edu  |Tel:303-497-1343  | Fax:303-497-1291 |http://rda.ucar.edu
Mail: NCAR, P.O. Box 3000, Boulder, CO 80307-3000
Overnight: 3090 Center Green Drive, NCAR ML 288B, Boulder, CO 80301-2252

On 12/9/2019 12:37 PM, Steve McIntyre wrote:
Hi David,

On Sun, Dec 08, 2019 at 02:57:55PM -0700, David Stepaniak wrote:
Thanks for checking this out so quickly.

So firstly, the .jigdo files (URLs) I am instructing jigdo to use are


The debian mirror I am using at the jigdo prompt "Debian Mirror" is:

OK, thanks for confirming!

( I have also tried country specific variations on http://ftp.XY.debian.org/
debian/ )

The jigdo, wget, and cygwin versions are:

Jigsaw Download "lite"
Copyright (C) 2001-2009  |  jigdo@
Richard Atterer          |  atterer.org
Copyright (C) 2016-2019
Steve McIntyre <93sam@debian.org>
Loading settings from `/home/David/.jigdo-lite'

jigdo-lite/0.8.0 (GNU Wget 1.17.1 built on cygwin.; cygwin)

CYGWIN_NT-10.0 dell-pc 2.4.1(0.293/5/3) 2016-01-24 11:26 x86_64 Cygwin

(I am downloading with a Windows-10/Cygwin Dell PC with the intent of burning
the iso images to DVDs.   All went well for the other 13 isos.)
Also useful to know! Now, looking at your log...

Then secondly, leaving the temporary incomplete iso, etc, in my download
working directory,
the missing files according to a retry for each iso (12,14,15), are:

debian-10.2.0-amd64-DVD-12.iso   (2 missing files)

Merging parts from `file:' URIs, if any...
Found 0 of the 2 files required by the template
Copied input files to temporary file `debian-10.2.0-amd64-DVD-12.iso.tmp' -
repeat command and supply more files to continue
--2019-12-08 13:59:24--  http://deb.debian.org/debian/pool/main/libm/
Resolving deb.debian.org (deb.debian.org)... 2603:400a:ffff:bb8::801f:3e,
2001:67c:2564:a119::77, 2001:4f8:1:c::15, ...
Connecting to deb.debian.org (deb.debian.org)|2603:400a:ffff:bb8::801f:3e
|:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Found
Location: http://cdn-fastly.deb.debian.org/debian/pool/main/libm/
--2019-12-08 13:59:24--  http://cdn-fastly.deb.debian.org/debian/pool/main/libm
Resolving cdn-fastly.deb.debian.org (cdn-fastly.deb.debian.org)...
Connecting to cdn-fastly.deb.debian.org (cdn-fastly.deb.debian.org)|
2a04:4e42:10::204|:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 6844 (6.7K) [application/x-debian-package]
Saving to: ‘./debian-10.2.0-amd64-DVD-12.iso.tmpdir/deb.debian.org/debian/pool/

deb.debian.org/debian/pool/main/libm/libmoosex-traitfor-met 100%[==============
===========================================>]   6.68K  --.-KB/s    in 0s

2019-12-08 13:59:24 (69.3 MB/s) - ‘./debian-10.2.0-amd64-DVD-12.iso.tmpdir/
saved [6844/6844]

--2019-12-08 13:59:24--  http://deb.debian.org/debian/pool/main/libc/
Connecting to deb.debian.org (deb.debian.org)|2603:400a:ffff:bb8::801f:3e
|:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Found
Location: http://cdn-fastly.deb.debian.org/debian/pool/main/libc/
--2019-12-08 13:59:24--  http://cdn-fastly.deb.debian.org/debian/pool/main/libc
Connecting to cdn-fastly.deb.debian.org (cdn-fastly.deb.debian.org)|
2a04:4e42:10::204|:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 8440 (8.2K) [application/x-debian-package]
Saving to: ‘./debian-10.2.0-amd64-DVD-12.iso.tmpdir/deb.debian.org/debian/pool/

deb.debian.org/debian/pool/main/libc/libcatalyst-plugin-aut 100%[==============
===========================================>]   8.24K  --.-KB/s    in 0.001s

2019-12-08 13:59:24 (11.6 MB/s) - ‘./debian-10.2.0-amd64-DVD-12.iso.tmpdir/
saved [8440/8440]

FINISHED --2019-12-08 13:59:24--
Total wall clock time: 0.5s
Downloaded: 2 files, 15K in 0.001s (18.5 MB/s)
Skipping object `./debian-10.2.0-amd64-DVD-12.iso.tmpdir\deb.debian.org\debian\
libcatalyst-plugin-authentication-credential-openid-perl_0.03+rp-3_all.deb' (No
such file or directory)
Skipping object `./debian-10.2.0-amd64-DVD-12.iso.tmpdir\deb.debian.org\debian\
libmoosex-traitfor-meta-class-betteranonclassnames-perl_0.002003-1_all.deb' (No
such file or directory)
Found 0 of the 2 files required by the template
Copied input files to temporary file `debian-10.2.0-amd64-DVD-12.iso.tmp' -
repeat command and supply more files to continue
Ah! So your log is showing that the download is successful (wget
reports all is OK here), yet jigdo-file is skipping the file as it
can't find it! The files you're seeing problems with (here and in the
other images below) all have very long filenames (and hence paths
too), so I'm thinking that looks like the issue maybe. I'm surprised
we've not seen this before, I'll be honest! Silly question - are you
running the jigdo-lite script from a deep directory path on your
Windows machine? If you check under the directory
"debian-10.2.0-amd64-DVD-12.iso.tmpdir", you might see that the files
have been downloaded OK, but possibly with truncated file/directory

I've tweaked the behaviour of jigdo-lite a little and tested locally
here in a Windows VM. Could you please try this for me? Replace the
jigdo-lite script (in the jigdo-bin directory) with the version
attached here and run again please?

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