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Re: too many CD ISOs

Am 2007-04-24 23:14:15, schrieb Sven Mueller:
>              CDs DVDs
> April 2008:  24   4
> April 2009:  27   4  Lenny?
> April 2010:  31   5
> April 2011:  35   6  Lenny+1?
> April 2012:  40   6
> April 2013:  45   7  Lenny+2?
> April 2014:  51   8
> April 2015:  57   9  Lenny+3?
> April 2016:  64  10
> April 2017:  71  11  Lenny+4?
> April 2018:  79  12
> April 2019:  87  13  Lenny+5?
> April 2020:  96  15
> April 2021: 106  16  Lenny+6?
> April 2022: 117  18
> April 2023: 128  19  Lenny+7?
> April 2024: 140  21
> April 2025: 152  23  Lenny+8?
> So that would be 71 CDs / 11 DVDs ten years from now. Quite different
> from your doomsday scenario of Lenny releasing with 49 CDs (which I
> expect for Lenny+2) and Lenny+2 releasing with 147 CDs (which I expect
> for Lenny+8).
> Actually, I don't think at all that the rate will accelerate like that.

And if, new techmologies are developed like "Blu-Ray" which I
have @home with only 25 GByte but there are already Drives and
Medias for 50 GByte availlable...  Lenny+8 = 2 Blu-Ray Disks  :-)

But do we use CD's or DVD's in 25 years?

Thanks, Greetings and nice Day
    Michelle Konzack
    Tamay Dogan Network
    Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

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