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Re: too many CD ISOs

On Thu, Apr 26, 2007 at 02:02:19PM +0200, Mattias Wadenstein wrote:
> Bittorrent doesn't really solve anything compared to serving ISOs 
> over http, except for the inital rush of the most popular files.

I agree (naturally;-)

In contrast to bt, jigdo is designed for the case that lots of HTTP/FTP 
servers around the world already hold the data, it just needs to be puzzled 
together in the right way.

What's really missing is a GUI, applet, browser extension or similar to 
make the jigdo functionality available to a larger user audience. 
Unfortunately, my jigdo GUI efforts got stuck at the "80% done" level. I 
considered proposing work on it for the Google SoC, but like many things 
these days, it never happened due to me being too busy. :-/



  __   _
  |_) /|  Richard Atterer     |  GnuPG key: 888354F7
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