Re: Changes in Debian archive updates for jigdo?
On Tuesday 05 April 2005 01:42, Richard Atterer wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 04, 2005 at 03:42:32PM +0200, Sven Mueller wrote:
> > But it requires that the servers carry the debs which are used in the
> > jigdo image. I had various Sarge-DVD jigdo's (and at least one Woody-DVD
> > jigdo) which failed to build the image because of missing debs on the
> > servers.
> Maybe it is time to attempt "step 2 of jigdo world domination"?? ;)
> jigdo could be made more robust by NOT deleting outdated packages from the
> main FTP archive immediately. Instead, they should be left there for
> (ideally) another 10 days or so. If this turns out to need too much space,
> it could be restricted to packages from testing/stable only.
> Does anyone have statistics about how much data has changed in the
> testing/unstable archives over the last months? (E.g. bandwidth
> requirements of their testing/unstable mirror?)
I've been tracking the Sarge cds and dvds for i386, and dvds for powerpc for
months now. It seems to top out at about 10% by package count or lately
rather less. Recently the i386 cd images have been entirely rebuilt from the
updated dvd isos, ie no download at all.
The normal order of update on the jigdo mirror is i386 dvd, powerpc dvd, then
i386 cd. I could reduce the download somewhat for powerpc dvd if I used to
i386 dvd iso as input to powerpc but my scripts do not use that source.
FWIW about 25% of packages in Sarge are common to all architectures.
Hope that info helps.
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