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Re: Debian 3.0 released. Jigdo files available.

On Tue, Jul 23, 2002 at 04:46:30PM +0100, Wookey wrote:
> OK, you're right. Only jigdo-file-cache.db is left. presumably there
> is a good reason for this - remind me?

It /might/ be useful for someone who regularly updates older CDs. If
he keeps using the same cache file, they will only have to be scanned

Maybe the default location for the cache file should be
~/.jigdo-file-cache.db. However, many people will only use jigdo from
time to time and the cache file can get quite large, so jigdo "power
users" should probably change the location themselves in their

> The only thing stopping jigdo from being totally perfect is the lack
> of docs. No doubt the howto fixes a lot of this but someone getting
> round to some more complete man-pages would be a good thing TM

This conflicts a bit with:
 - jigdo-lite should be so easy to use that it doesn't need docs :)
 - jigdo-lite is only intended as a temporary solution until the GUI
   app works.

Still, I agree - more docs would be nice.

> (and no I'm not volunteering)

<sigh>, you sounded a lot as if you were... :)
Anybody else? (docbook format would be cool.)



  __   _
  |_) /|  Richard Atterer     |  CS student at the Technische  |  GnuPG key:
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