Re: Debian 3.0 released. Jigdo files available.
Lance and Wookey, any reason why you haven't been using jigdo-mirror?
On Mon, Jul 22, 2002 at 02:49:56PM +0100, Wookey wrote:
> On Mon 22 Jul, Lance Davis wrote:
> > The biggest bugbear for me is that you cant run multiple instances of
> > jigdo in the same directory because they wipe out each others tmp dir
> > contents, ...
> Yep. That's been bugging me too, and I'm wary of running several as
> a series batch-job, because if anything goes wrong I'm not at all
> sure that it won't throw away entire CD images for want of a few K
> of missing files.
It won't, but in any case it's not designed to be run without
interaction, so you would have to hack it...
(jigdo-*mirror* will throw away everything even if only a few K are
missing, since it assumes that all the packages are available
> Riachard - definately something to add to the wishlist - separate
> temp files for each CD so you can set several off building in
> parallel.
So far I planned to add support for giving >1 jigdo files/URLs as
input, and have them downloaded one after the other.
ITYM "temp dirs", not "temp files"? Should be easy to make it use
> I'd also quite like jigdo to tidy up after itself if it has
> succesfully downloaded an image, the MD5 checks out etc - then it
> should bin the quite large temp files so as to leave a tidy dir.
Doesn't it already do this? It only leaves behind the image and the
.jigdo/.template files! (Oh, and jigdo-file-cache.db, but you can set
this to e.g. ~/.jigdo-file-cache.db in your ~/.jigdo-lite.)
> No rush for this stuff - it's all a major improvement over PIK and
> rsync runes or dumb iso downloading, but do put it on the to-do
> list.
It's already been on it. :)
> And 'Bloody hell we released!!'
Yay! :-]
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