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Re: Debian 3.0 released. Jigdo files available.

On Mon, 22 Jul 2002, Richard Atterer wrote:

> Lance and Wookey, any reason why you haven't been using jigdo-mirror?
> On Mon, Jul 22, 2002 at 02:49:56PM +0100, Wookey wrote:
> > On Mon 22 Jul, Lance Davis wrote:
> > > The biggest bugbear for me is that you cant run multiple instances of 
> > > jigdo in the same directory because they wipe out each others tmp dir 
> > > contents, ...
> > 
> > Yep. That's been bugging me too, and I'm wary of running several as
> > a series batch-job, because if anything goes wrong I'm not at all
> > sure that it won't throw away entire CD images for want of a few K
> > of missing files.
> It won't, but in any case it's not designed to be run without
> interaction, so you would have to hack it...

It shouldnt be too hard to make it run without interaction, after all most 
of the responses you give are repeats of previous ones ...

Cant it just have a few command line parameters or a config file for the 
responses and then set it running ??

> > Richard - definately something to add to the wishlist - separate
> > temp files for each CD so you can set several off building in
> > parallel.
> So far I planned to add support for giving >1 jigdo files/URLs as
> input, and have them downloaded one after the other.

Cant the jigdo file be arranged to produce multiple images ?? 

> ITYM "temp dirs", not "temp files"? Should be easy to make it use
> "temp.<pid>"...

No temp files - if you start a second jigdo-lite in the same directory it 
insists on deleting the files in tmp, which the other jigdo then borks at 
later when it has finished and finds them missing.

It makes sense for me to run multiple jigdos in parallel, rather than 
sequentially, especially as it is easy to use different download sources 
for the different instances and the bandwidth used is usually limited by 
the other end .

I just create a subdir, copy the jigdo and template files into it, also 
copy the jigdo cache file, (which for other architectures is a cache of 
the i386 dvd image), then run jigdo-lite in that subdir - it would be nice 
to not have to do that , as you say, temp.<pid> would fix the problem.

One other thing is that if you stop the jigdo with files in the tmp dir, 
and then start it again, it doesnt use the files in the tmp dir for some 
reason, but deletes them, and then downloads them again :(

> > I'd also quite like jigdo to tidy up after itself if it has
> > succesfully downloaded an image, the MD5 checks out etc - then it
> > should bin the quite large temp files so as to leave a tidy dir.
> Doesn't it already do this? It only leaves behind the image and the
> .jigdo/.template files! (Oh, and jigdo-file-cache.db, but you can set
> this to e.g. ~/.jigdo-file-cache.db in your ~/.jigdo-lite.)

Didnt know there was one ;)

I did try 'man jigdo-lite' 'info jigdo-lite' 'jigdo-lite --help' etc but 
couldnt find any documentation ..

I'm sure it is around somewhere.



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