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Re: Woody source ISO

Benoît SIBAUD wrote:

I need to produce Woody source CD (hoping to give them to a UNESCO person at the Libre Software Meeting (http://lsm.abul.org), more info here http://oumph.free.fr/patrimoine/index.en.html ).

Well, we really gave them to a UNESCO representative during the LSM.
Covers are at http://oumph.free.fr/cd/ (original docs from http://buus.net/mads/cdart/ ).

Press release is here (in French): http://lsm.abul.org/press/CPunesco.php3

The Debian representative was Loïc Dachary (http://www.dachary.org/loic/).

DebianEdu (French distribution for schools based on Debian), AbulEdu (French distribution for schools) and GNU projets has also been given.

I'll send a line to press@debian.org this evening.

Thank you for your help.

Benoît Sibaud
Free software == patrimony of mankind.

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