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Woody source ISO


I need to produce Woody source CD (hoping to give them to a UNESCO person at the Libre Software Meeting (http://lsm.abul.org), more info here http://oumph.free.fr/patrimoine/index.en.html ).

I've read the FAQ (http://www.debian.org/CD/faq/#source-cd) and searched through debian-cd and debian-user (with jigdo+source) and found nothing.

I already own a source mirror (potato + woody + sid). I supposed jidgo is the best way to produce Woody source CD.

ftp://ftp.fsn.hu/pub/CDROM-Images/debian-unofficial/woody/jigdo/ only propose i386 jigdo files. Are there source jigdo files somewhere (or source ISO)?

Thanks in advance,

Benoît Sibaud

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