woody/m68k CD1
I've been testing the current (p13) woody images for m68k on my amiga.
The good news, jigdo works. However, it would be nice if the docs (in the
package) had a complete example for downloading woody images, after all
thats the main purpose of jigdo, isn't it? I got my image, but maybe
downloading jigdo and template file and passing that to jigdo-light was more
complicated than it had to be?
I could not test the image in my Amiga yet due to failing hardware, but from
the contents I can see there are some small glitches. The install directory
on the CD used to contain disks-m68k/current, now it only contains the doc
folder. If you want to install from CD, you have to search for the install
files. It is not necessary to copy/duplicate the directory, but a symlink
might work? The files in doc are also in disks-m68k/current/doc (except for
index.html which is a link to index.en.html), so symlinking install to
disks-m68k/current should work?
If this is done, it would be useful for amiga users to have an install.info
file, which can be created by copying amiga.info to install.info, I think
thats how it was created for potato?
Also it seems to be necessary to change one of the Amiga scripts. In
StartInstall nolangchooser should be added at the end (only StartInstall,
StartInstall_[CV3D|CV64|clgen|retz3] should be fine as they are, though I
could only test that for CV3D myself). We do not have to rebuild the
boot-floppies for that, in fact its a little bit difficult to rebuild the
boot-floppies right now, it would be nice if this could be changed by-hand.
We've done worse things before ;-)
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