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Re: New mirror, ftp.acc.umu.se

On Wed, 2 Aug 2000, Mattias Wadenstein wrote:

> Well, the machine behaves pretty good during load, and it doesn't have
> much else to do really. It usually has a processor or two idle waiting for
> something to do. It is just a matter of the processors and disks being
> slow.

Well, that's the only thing left ;-)

> The rsync part takes a bunch of CPU power, probably the time for
> calculating a bunch of checksums. And that rsync takes aobut 10 minutes
> too.

Correct. On my Pentium 75 it also takes about 10 minutes. (And another 10
minutes to pump it over a 33k6 modem, and at least another 10 minutes for the
re-creation depending on the difference between the versions. -- But that's
only the rsync; make-pseudo-image also takes some 15 minutes.)

> Loadgraph: 
> http://www.acc.umu.se/technical/statistics/loadavg/view.html.en?name=churchill
> I started the multigrab at 14 CET, which should be noticable. :)
> Time: 12460.08u 24367.33s 11:49:09.45 -14.-3%

Very nice indeed ;-)  And for 6x4=24 images it's 30 minutes per image, which
is absolutely not bad. On a K6 350MHz I get "only" 20 minutes per image.

> I also made some modifications to the multigrab script (so that you can
> run "multigrab */*.list"), and some other modifications here and there
> (I don't remember if all was changing the shell to bash instead of /bin/sh
> which is really slow on solaris, or if I made more modifications :/ ).

Ok, got'em. I'll try to have a look at them when I wake up again ;-)

> Oh, well. The modified pseudo-image-kit is in the
> mirror/potato_test-cycle-3/pseudo-image-kit-2.0 directory, the actual
> images are in the mirror/potato_test-cycle-3 dir.
> That is:
> http://ftp.se.debian.org/mirror/potato_test-cycle-3/
> ftp://ftp.se.debian.org/mirror/potato_test-cycle-3/
> ftp.se.debian.org::potato_test-cycle-3

Great! Added to the list.

  Anne Bezemer

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