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Re: Release-critical Bugreport for November 5, 1999

Le Sat, Nov 06, 1999 at 11:56:26PM +0100, Christian Kurz écrivait:
> Good to know. I had something like this in mind, but wasn't sure. Could
> you then please look a bit at the package and make sure that it gets
> fixed or otherwise contact the archive-maintainers to remove it?

Yes I'll try to take care of that.

> > > > Package: dwww (main)
> > > > Maintainer: Jim Pick <jim@jimpick.com>
> > > >   49072  dwww_1.4.3.5-1.1(unstable): doesn't delete debian/files
> > > 
> > > Argh, extremely easy to fix. When will there be the new release or is it
> > > allowed to NMU?
> > According to the version number, the last upload was an NMU ... another
> > NMU wouldn't hurt probably. :-)
> Alright, could then somebody from the QA core team make the necessary
> NMU to fix this package?

Jim, can I do the NMU in order to correct this trivial bug ?

> Could then some people try to solve this issue? It doesn't look very
> good to use a software without any licence for creating a debian CD. I
> think it would be good, if lha would get a free license.

Actually this problem must be solved by m68k user, it seems that lha is
very convenient for this architecture whereas gzip is not.

Hello dear debian-cd readers, can we get rid of lha for m68k ? It's
almost mandatory since lha may well be removed from Debian because of 
a license problem...

Raphaël Hertzog -=- http://tux.u-strasbg.fr/~raphael/
<pub> CDs Debian : http://tux.u-strasbg.fr/~raphael/debian/#cd </pub>

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